Le LABAArticle


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Website: Funds: Year: Duration: Budget: Leader:
Site du projet ERASMUS + Youth and Sport 2020 24 months 242 000€ Le LABA (France)
The project "Participatory, Inclusive, and Sustainable Tourism" (March 2020 - February 2022) aims to raise awareness and promote employment opportunities for young entrepreneurs in the tourism sector. It addresses the growing demand for sustainable and inclusive practices. Objectives include raising awareness among youth about the prospects of sustainable tourism, devising a promotional strategy, leveraging cultural heritage, and developing innovative approaches to enhance competitiveness and employment. The target group comprises young entrepreneurs in tourism, particularly in regions facing demographic decline. The consortium of seven organizations, each with diverse expertise, employs a three-phase methodology to produce tangible outcomes such as awareness campaigns, implementation and promotion manuals, and an online platform. The expected impact is to enable young entrepreneurs to cultivate skills and initiatives in participatory tourism, influencing competitiveness and the quality of offerings. The project also aims for a lasting impact on local communities and the tourism sector, supporting youth entrepreneurship at both local and European levels.
Areas of intervention: Green Deal, Tourism

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