Le LABAArticle


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Website: Funds: Year: Duration: Budget: Leader:
https://lerocherdepalmer.fr/ydees/ ERASMUS + Youth and Sport 2015 12 months 29 000€ Musiques de nuit Diffusion (Le Rocher de Palmer)
The YDEES project aims to reveal and consolidate the digital skills of 20 young Portuguese, French and Maltese people facing difficulties in school, social integration or professional development. In addition to traditional training courses, these young people, who are passionate about digital tools, exchange and consolidate their know-how through joint projects. Experiences include technical apprenticeships such as the use of specific software, collaborative artistic creations such as the production of television reports in Portugal and France, and entrepreneurial aspects. After these experiences, young people acquire new skills and familiarity with the European job market, cultural and creative industries, tourism, as well as European schemes promoting mobility and entrepreneurship, such as EVS, Erasmus+ Young Entrepreneurs, and other mobility programs for young professionals and artists.
Areas of intervention: Digital industries

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