Le LABAArticle


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Website: Funds: Year: Duration: Budget: Leader:
https://youthfullyyours.sk/en/adaptify-2/ ERASMUS + Youth and Sport 2023 24 months 250 000€ Le LABA
The "Adaptify" project aims to empower young people by enhancing their adaptability, self-confidence, and resilience through innovative approaches such as digital storytelling and AI art design. By providing educational content tailored for youth workers, the project equips them with the necessary tools to effectively integrate these techniques into non-formal education activities. Through a comprehensive training program, youth workers will gain practical insights and methodologies to implement these strategies within youth-focused organizations, fostering a culture of innovation and inclusivity. Moreover, the project will offer online educational resources comprising flexible learning units, ensuring accessibility and adaptability for youth workers in various settings. Additionally, an e-learning system will be developed to assist young people in understanding the importance of adaptability and navigating the challenges of today's volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA) environment. Ultimately, the "Adaptify" project seeks to elevate the quality and recognition of youth work by integrating digital tools that resonate with today's tech-savvy youth, thereby fostering their personal growth and development in an ever-changing world.
Areas of intervention: Artificial intelligence

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