Next dates: June 24 and 25, 2024

Place : Rocher de Palmer à Cenon (33, France)


This training aims to provide trainees with the tools and resources necessary to develop an international cooperation project with a view to responding to European and international calls for tender.

Prerequisites: Interns have functions allowing them to develop cooperative projects.

The training courses are accessible to people with reduced mobility and people with disabilities.


The targeted skills


European funding programs for cultural cooperation: eligibility criteria, funding circuit, action frameworks


multilateral cooperation projects with other European actors: mastery of the logical drafting framework, construction of complementary ecosystems


budgetary management of European funding: management monitoring and financial reporting


quantitatively and qualitatively the impacts of a European project on the territories of the partners

Produce and share

monitoring the projects selected as part of these programs

The unrolled

Day 1 :
The EU’s logic of action regarding the major issues is presented. The programs for culture and education for the period 2021-2027 are presented. Raising awareness of Horizon Europe programs is carried out. Some European networks suitable for participants are also presented.

Day 2:
Funded projects are analyzed in subgroups. The keys to the success of a project are discussed and analyzed collectively. The speakers take up the key points of methodology.

Day 3:
Participants receive individual training from trainers to adapt their project to the eligibility criteria of the targeted call. The objectives, action plan and impacts of the project are formalized. The partnership is built and enriched. Participants learn to present their project in an artistic way, for its development, marketing and financing strategy. Finally, expert feedback is provided.


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