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Website: Funds: Year: Duration: Budget: Leader:
https://youthfitfor55.eu/ ERASMUS + Youth and Sport 2022 30 months 250 000€ Idei Asociatia Pentru Initiative Si Demersuri Educationale Si Inovatore (Romania)
This project aims to raise awareness and encourage young people to get involved in the green transition. Strategic objectives include raising young people's awareness of the green transition, developing educators' critical skills, building organizational capacity to lead the green transition, and ensuring the project's sustainability. To achieve these objectives, the project plans several outputs, including an awareness campaign led by a digital guide, an ideas competition for young social innovators, a prize for the best social innovation idea, a digital toolkit to guide young people in implementing green projects, a methodological guide for youth organizations, and a web platform to ensure the sustainability and dissemination of the project's results. YOUTH FIT FOR 55 seeks to educate, empower and inspire young people to play an active role in the green transition, by providing educational resources, incentives for social innovation and practical tools to bring sustainable initiatives to life. The sustainability of the project will be ensured by a centralized web platform, acting as a hub for the green youth community.
Domaines d'interventions: Education, Environment

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