Le LABAArticle


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Funds: Year: Duration: Budget: Leader:
ERASMUS + education and training 2018 29 months 91 000€ Compagnons Bâtisseurs (France)

Le LABA (France)

Asociacion Navarra Nuevo Futuro (Spain)

Insert Net (France)

CEID-Addictions (France)

K.N.A.P Hermès (Greece)

The project, led by a consortium of organizations in the Bordeaux metropolitan area (Compagnons Bâtisseurs Aquitaine, Insert'net, CEID-Addictions), aims to create a mobile and European cycle of qualifying training programs from June 2018 to November 2020. Initiated after the rehabilitation of a refugee camp in Greece, the program brings together 60 trainees and their tutors for 15-day mobilities in Greece and Spain. The insertion projects, carried out in collaboration with local organizations, aim to enhance participants' professional skills while contributing to the renovation of buildings and green spaces. The project includes a rigorous evaluation, a communication plan, and the creation of a "soliderrance" guide listing the developed skills. The ultimate goal is to integrate this cycle of qualifying training into the pathways of partner organizations in France, Greece, and Spain, to assist individuals facing difficulties in accessing employment.
Areas of intervention: Training

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