Le LABAArticle


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Site: Fonds: Année: Durée: Budget: Leader:
Site du projet ERASMUS + Youth and Sport 2021 24 mois 279 000€ NTNU Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet (Norway)
The "PLACE FOR PLAY" project aims to address the growing need for access to open spaces, parks, and playgrounds for children revealed by the pandemic. It seeks to redefine and repurpose these spaces to make them more welcoming, human-centered, and adaptable to the varied needs of communities. The project involves young professionals and youth organizations in local and cross-border activities, emphasizing human-centered urban development, creating spaces for intercultural and intergenerational encounters, and promoting opportunities for cultural operators. Objectives include the training of young professionals, bridging the gap between the youth sector and higher education, and creating new usable spaces for cultural operators. The project will unfold in four phases, leading to the creation of creative solutions for playgrounds and a publication on the adaptive model for children's playgrounds. The main expected outcomes are the development of skills in young participants and the dissemination of knowledge on innovative models for creating public spaces.
Domaines d'interventions: Inclusion

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